Friday, August 21, 2009

dr breakfast painting.  18 x 36.  I will show the progression.  That way it looks like I've been doing more personal work than I actually have been.  Work is busy.

Hopefully I can do more painting this fall. Very refreshing at the end of a long day.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I like postcards, so I think I'm going to print a few of these up.

I regret not posting for whale wednesday. a day late, a dollar short:

speaking of whales, my friend barbara made me this awesome birthday cake:

It's really quite something. And I don't know how she managed on the subway from brooklyn. New york is a magical place in the summer.

There's a block in the village under invasion of caterpillars. I see a few every time I pass. Some little kids were playing with them too, and we took this picture. They might be low-level pokémon.

Here's another Dr Breakfast painting I've been working on. I'll post the finished product later.

Oh yeah! Chicken Cowboy won the Audience Award at ABP and the Hoosier-Lens Award at IIFF. Thanks to everyone who saw the film at either festival!