Wednesday, November 4, 2009

blender dog! you are a bad dog!


Christin/Grace Marie said...
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Christin said...

i was going to say that i love blender dog, but this is more appropriate:

i really love blender dog.

Jonathan Harford said...

What a good dog! Good boy!

Connie Li Chan said...

can we get a blender dog? please please pleeeeeeease??

Gale said...

So so so so cute!

Cats best be watchin' out.

Favela said...

ahhh neary. you are a great man.

Tim Rauch said...

the effects of you being paid to draw all day is showing for sure! me likey

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could get more cerebral, Like Plato dog (he has a goiter in the shape of Plato growing out of his noggin).