Wednesday, September 19, 2012

you never really know what sort of ideas you're going to get on that commute
 i figure HHDL has compassion for all living creatures. except dinosaurs. they're a real nuisance.

i started a big painting of some dolphins

lots of dolphins

i think i might start a tumblr for posting cartoons one ata time. do you guys like to tumblr? i only have a tumblr for pies, and i haven't sadly haven't updated it a while.


Mandy said...

LOL i love this. And the dolphins too. You should make coloring books. I see you paint and it looks like so much fun! I have a tumblr :)


stephen said...

Thanks! Yes a coloring book would be pretty fun.

Nice tumblr! I see what this the tumblr thing is all about.

Anonymous said...

Stephen p neary cartoon girls cartoon Big butt girls cartoon farting women cartoon Big butt girls cartoon Big boobs girls cartoon lipstick women cartoon Big boobs girls cartoon Big boobs girls cartoon Big boobs teachers women farting women cartoon Big boobs girls cartoon lipstick cartoon five saisons five saisons five saisons Stephen p neary cartoon girls cartoon Big butt women cartoon Big butt women cartoon Big boobs girls cartoon lipstick women cartoon pregnant