Many people don't know that, in addition to drawing pictures, I invent things. These things are very useful.
Here is my pumpkin portal invention. It's great for halloween.
Applications for the pumpkin portal are more therapeutic and theoretical in nature, but I also invent less abstract things.
My parents back in indiana waited around 3 hours to vote last week. I thought this invention could help out. All we need are 20-30 batman-suited voting attendants utilizing this device:
It's a little strange, but so is democracy.
The pumpkin portal is great, and should constitute a casual marriage. Also, the batman plan seems flawed considering the possible of a partisan batman, pressuring voters with whispers and pelvic thrusts.
These inventions have value.
The Batman-Port-O-Booth can save both time and frustration.
The Pumpkin Portal can save marriages.
stephen neary, i love the pumpkin portal.
hahahahha. I want to vote with Batman.
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