Tuesday, November 25, 2008

some dr breakfast concepts

i'd like to do some more collage stuff

I remember reading a headline, "will parents of the future preselect baby traits?" Do you think so?

meat cowboy

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Too Art for TV 3

New York's 3rd Annual Fine Art Exhibit for the Animation Industry
Opening reception - Friday, December 5th, 6pm-9pm

December 5th through December 15th, 2008
at Erebuni 158 Roebling St. Williamsburg, NY 11211

Come see! my nose will be in the show. More info.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

back to index cards

i'm building something quite large on my kitchen table. I will share soon.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

a new short for you guys

come have an omelette with me. on youtube:

and if you want HD (please don't make fun of me), here it is on vimeo:

come have an omelette with me from pizzaforeveryone on Vimeo.'

just having fun. uh, that's it.

*monday edit--it's on cartoon brew.  who woulda thought?  thanks, amid.  Everybody out there should also watch the youtube video I posted this as a response to.  I'd love to see a good Julia Child (or Steve Irwin) biopic.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm making a new short called come have an omelette with me.

it's nothing too fancy. Only about a minute long, so it's more of a short short than a short. mostly it's a collection of 2d cycles set to this song i made.  

Nothing special, but it's a way for me to stay busy before I gear up on the next, larger personal short (or maybe I'll make a couple smaller ones).  it should be done soon.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Many people don't know that, in addition to drawing pictures, I invent things.  These things are very useful.

Here is my pumpkin portal invention.  It's great for halloween.

Applications for the pumpkin portal are more therapeutic and theoretical in nature, but I also invent less abstract things.

My parents back in indiana waited around 3 hours to vote last week.  I thought this invention could help out.  All we need are 20-30 batman-suited voting attendants utilizing this device:

It's a little strange, but so is democracy.