Saturday, June 14, 2008

me trying to figure out the ins and outs of my next film.

It's always good to go back later and discover that what you worked out the previous day. . .

1) is bad.
2) makes no sense.
3) doesn't conform with previous ideas.
4) doesn't conform with previous themes.
5) doesn't conform with previous themes because the story has no theme.
6) is bad.

that's how I learn.

I'll post this again with hopes of boosting the view count:

Why are festivals so expensive? I'm going to start my own. Who's with me?


Tim Rauch said...

every time i see it... i just think, such a visually spectacular film. can't wait for the next one! glad to hear it sounds like there will BE a next one :)

J.D. Amato said...

I'm with you... but I fear that starting a festival will be more expensive than entering them...

Leetal said...


stephen said...

Maybe a couple hundred to just rent a bar somewhere with tv monitors.

Preferably a place with an air hockey table, one that can be used to determine the air hockey category winner of the festival.

If we could get a good turnout, it could turn into a sponsored event in years following. a withoutabox listing in a year or so could also help bring in funds--I wonder what their cut of the application fees is?

Anyhow, I've been to some bad festivals. We could make a better one for less money.

Blake said...

the fact that the "Cotton Eye Jo animated journey" has 90 times as many views as the CC trailer is sickening.

good luck festin!

And a new festival sounds great. Although personally I'm more of a table tennis guy. Maybe there should be an all around award for the best filmmaker/ table sport athlete.